Issues For Gals N Boys

Resolution: Health Eats

Overdid the holiday snacking and feeling all guilty about it? Time to eat right and feel great!

Twas the season to be jolly and indulge. Now's the time to combat the after-effects - with a New Year resolutions' list of foods to work onto your munch palate.

Resolution 1: Juicy, Fruity Treats

Formerly known as the forbidden fruit, the red apple is a prime source of Vitamin A (Adam and Eve would have approved). Together with yellow-orangey fruits like papayas and apricots, apples are full of anti-oxidants to keep your eyes bright and healthy. Which makes it all the better for you to flutter those eyelashes at your crush. On the other hand, citrus types like oranges and lemons are bursting with Vitamin C. That's the vitamin you need to stave off a nasty cold and show off a fabulous gummy smile. Fruits aid digestion and help protect against stomach ulcers and intestinal cancers. They also keep your mouth fresh after a meal. Munching on raw fruits is best, so keep fruits displayed prominently in the house (on a fruit basket or glass bowl, not in some dark corner of the fridge). And for variety's sake, add slices of cut fruit to your favourite ice-cream. You can also blend frozen bananas into your smoothie for a yummy treat.

What if you don't feel like working your teeth on that Royal Gala apple or Valencia orange? Juice it! No one said you have to take it fresh all the time. Regular intake of orange juice can boost good cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. And when laziness strikes, or if your favourite fruit is not in season, reach for a helping of canned or dried fruits.

Resolution 2: Lean, Green Fighting Machines

Leafy greens are fantastic for blocking cancer-causing carcinogens in grilled meats, and also for squelching tumours. That's because they contain lots of beta-carotene, which is an anti-oxidant shielding healthy cells from genetic damage. Even non-leafy types like broccoli, carrots and tomatoes ar powerful cancer fighters. Vegetables, like fruits, are good sources of fibre. No one is saying you have to turn into a herbivore, but look for ways to sneak it into your diet. Such as ordering a salad or coleslaw to accompany your burger and fries. Or having some veggie soup to go with your fried dishes at the food court.

Resolution 3: Charging Up On Calcium

This is a compulsory mineral if you don't want your bones to break like egg shells. Classic sources of calcium are milk and its products (cheese, yoghurt). But what if you belong to the lactose-intolerant clan like me? Short of relying on a supplement, I get my daily dose by sneaking in soy milk, green leafy vegetables and sardines. But watch your sodium intake. Excessive sodium in the body takes calcium away when it gets eliminated from the body as urine. So go easy on the potato chips.

Resolution 4: Aim For Aqua

It's hydrate or nothing. Water regulates body temperature and promotes cell renewal and organ function. But how much to imbibe? Experts recommend 8 to 10 glasses a day; too much will leave your tummy sloshing, while too little may lead to constipation, cracked lips and that shrivelled look. Sneak in your daily quota by carrying bottled water with you, and taking sips throughout the day. If you don't like the flat taste, pop lemon slices into the water jug. That way you get to drink H2O ala restaurant style while hydrating your body.

Resolution 5: Go Green

Green tea has anti-oxidants that protect against cell damage. Drinking green tea frequently also boosts benefits such as lowered cholesterol and protection against certain cancers (skin, throat, colon). It even reduces tooth decay with its anti-bacterial properties! So the next time you are at a cafe, opt for green tea instead of your usual latte.

Resolution 6: Protein

Bad hair days and chipped nails happen. But EVERY day? Looks like you could be lacking protein, which is crucial for good-looking hair and strong nails. What to load up on - milk, tofu and lean meats.

Resolution 7: Feel Bran New

Oatmeal porridge is not just for Goldilocks and the bears. Here are more reasons to eat your Wheat-bix: upping your fibre intake with oatmeal and whole-wheat products may help you fight off certain stomach cancers, not to mention assist in fast and problem-free waste-elimination. But before you thumb your nose at that humble bowl of oatmeal, try these ways to jazz it up. Sprinkle brown sugar, dried fruits and nuts or drizzle pure honey over it. You can also cook it with skimmed milk instead of water.

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Posted by Unknown :: Sunday, December 16, 2007 :: 0 Comments:

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